At Love Christian Centre (LCC), you will receive the tools you need to change your life for the better! We are firm believers that the precise understanding of God's Word is the gateway to change in people's lives. From finances to walking in divine health; LCC is committed to equipping people all over the world with the knowledge and wisdom needed to make decisions that will positively impact their futures. Amen Life can be very stressful and painful at times. Sometimes we all need some external help through major life challenges.
Sometimes these challenges can feel overwhelming and unmanageable. We may all need a little extra support or an outside, objective person to help us handle and overcome challenges constructively. Can we help?
You can receive hope from the articles at the Solution Centre and encouragement from the life-changing testimonies of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Our prayer warriors are also waiting for your prayer.
•That is soundly built on a biblical foundation.
•That has a clear cut vision.
•That is committed to raising high flyers.
•That delivers the constant uncompromising
word of God.
•That is committed to being a base for families.
•That can heal and totally restore hopeless lives.
•That can prepare you in your calling.
•That has a heart for serving the community.
•That will treasure your gifts and talents.
•Where Every Body Is Somebody Join us to discover
God's purpose for your life
LCC is a family and community based church of diversity in the southeast of Amsterdam area of The Netherlands. LCC is a house of prayer, passion, purpose, and praise. LCC is an interdenominational church with a dynamic charismatic ministry to all nations. We will be glad to serve our generation with you. Please note that anytime you are in The Netherlands, we would be happy to fellowship with you in any of our services.
We aim at equipping people with the written and spoken Word of God. •To build a church of excellence, integrity, and power.
•To build a full gospel church that is relevant to this generation.
•To influence our communities with Total Restoration and Total Life.
•To reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
•To raise and build families by the principles of God's Word.
•To train and equip people for the total manifestation of God's glory.
•To bring hope to the hopeless by helping people to discover their God given potentials.
•To bring healing and deliverance to people under satanic attacks.
•Equip our members for economic empowerment.
Raising up strong men and women for the Lord to stand for the Lord.